Email Kelly Crowell at the Graduate Division informing of which student you would like to request a UC Leads Fellowship Offer for. In this communication please detail the student name, objective they are applying for, and admittance status in the department. Please note: Departments need to have moved forward with admitting the applicant before financial packages can be requested.
Template for the package will be drafted by the Graduate Division and shared with the department for confirmation. Department approved draft will be sent to UCOP for approval of the proposed full 5+year support package.
If UCOP approval is granted, Graduate Division crafts and enters a Custom Award Letter in AppReview in consultation with the admitting department.
Cal-Bridge Fellowship
Cal-Bridge is a statewide network of all three segments of the California higher education system—CSU, UC, and community colleges—together forming a comprehensive, end-to-end pathway for the diverse undergraduates of California to successfully matriculate to PhD programs, achieve their PhD, and then join the STEM professoriate in California. Cal-Bridge currently offers a $40,000 Cal-Bridge Fellowship to each Cal-Bridge undergraduate scholar who matriculates into a UC PhD program. Please see this this pamphlet if you are interested in more surrounding this ongoing program.
If you’re considering admitting an eligible student, please
contact Kelly about the possibility of
supplemental funding from the Graduate Division.
Department Recruitment Offer Upload