In 2024-25 all departments were given one Regents stipend allocation to utilize in recruitment over a two year span. For those departments who did not utilize their Regents allocation in 24-25, or had their offer declined prior to the start of the 24-25 academic year, they will have the ability to make offers in the 25-26 recruitment season. Centrally funded Regents in the Disciplines stipend years include coverage of in-state tuition and fees, UC Student Health Insurance, a $32,500 stipend during the academic year, and a $5,000 trailing Summer stipend. this fellowship does not include NRST, so Departments must pay NRST for non-resident students in their first year from block-grant or other discretionary funds.
We have examined the way departments have constructed offers utilizing this program, and in a majority of the cases there was a standard offer pairing the central stipend(s) with department employment resources. To save departments both time and effort, we have created an automatically generated award letter directly in the AppReview System. If departments wish to continue to customize their offer letters, opting out of this full standard letter, we have created a base award letter generation, offering only the Regents year(s), allowing departments to separately craft a Department Recruitment Offer letter to pair with the Regents only central letter.
Departments will be given the choice of either the Standard template or the Alternate template. The Standard template will encompass the whole five year offer, which includes the Regents year(s) and the employment years. The department will retain the ability to move their year 5 stipend year from their Central Award to the Regents, should they choose, and the template will dynamically change to incorporate that shift and accurately adjust the number of employment years to maintain a five year offer. The Alternatetemplate offers ONLY the Regents year(s) portion of the total package, and the department must offer a separate Department Recruitment Offer letter to speak to the remaining years needed to fulfil the five years of support requirementIMPORTANT: In an effort to evaluate opportunities to streamline the Regents in the Discipline awarding process, and reduce burden on departments in crafting award letters, the Graduate Division examined trends in the student support offered in Regents awards. It was determined that a significant number of Regents offers followed a common pattern of aid, including one or two Regents stipend years, and three or four employment years.
While departments will still retain the ability to customize their Regents offers, the Graduate Division will also provide the option of selecting a “standard” offer letter that would only require departments to select their fellow, and whether they would like to add a second stipend year by moving one from their Central Fellowship (Chancellor/Eugene Cota-Robles), as has been an option in prior years. Selection of this standard letter would then generate the offer in the AppReview and EApp systems similar to how other central fellowships are awarded, allowing the recipient student to accept the offer in their EApp profile. Samples of the offer letter can be found on GradPoint here.
Should a department instead wish to customize their Regents offer in a way that does not follow the standard offer, there is now a “Base” Regents offer letter option which produces an offer letter that notifies the recipient that they have been selected as a Regents fellow, describes the Regents stipend(s) being offered, and basic features of the award, including that it includes five years minimum of full support. Departments can then use the Regents in the Disciplines supplement template to add the specific, more customized support offer being added to the applicant’s Regents package. Students may accept their Regents Base offer electronically in their EApp profile. Departments may either indicate in their supplement letter that students can accept the combined offer by accepting the base offer in EApp, or chose to request the applicant sign their supplement letter and remit to the department.
Samples of the Base offers can be found here, and the Regents in the Disciplines supplement template can be found here. Graduate Division staff is also available to work directly with departments who have questions about crafting any of these offers.
**Please note, Regents in the Disciplines offer letters should be sent to students through the AppReview system and not through other means of communication. Offers that are not sent through AppReview cannot be tracked by the Graduate Division. Tracking records in AppReview is important because an automatic report is generated using this information which the Housing Office accesses directly to verify which on-time housing applications receive priority over the others. If your Department’s Regents offer does not go through the required AppReview system, the report automatically generated for housing will not accurately reflect your student’s name, which will result in the student not being included on the priority housing list for Central Fellows.