Users can view a list of current Power BI applications, their descriptions, and how to request access to each one here: https://dataservices.ucsb.edu/power-bi-additional-access
Log into the Power BI homepage from this link: https://app.powerbi.com/home
Note that A DUO multifactor authentication push to the user's registered mobile device is now required before logging into Power BI. The campus IT group manages the DUO system. To report an issue, please call (805) 893-5000 or visit the following website: https://ithelp.ucsb.edu Their hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For Power BI login issues, please email: support@dataservices.ucsb.edu
Username: UCSBNetID@ucsb.edu email address
Password: Identical to user's UCSB NetID password