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Phase 1

  • Read

  • Drupal 8 based Developer portal site creation using the UCSB Public Affairs Drupal theme/distribution. Site to be hosted on Pantheon.

  • Apigee modules installation and configuration. (Drupal Apigee Edge Module, github)

  • Transfer current Drupal 7 site content ( to Drupal 8 site instance.

  • Setup and transfer workflow and existing rules (Drupal Workflow Module)

    • If a different workflow tool is preferred Campus API Team will decide to adopt new tool or not.

  • Migrate user accounts from Drupal 7 instance to Drupal 8 instance.

  • Install the same Drupal modules currently on the Drupal 7 site except where no Drupal 8 compatible module is available.

  • Home page design - Adopt the UCSB Public Affairs theme and merge the current content (

    • We would like to alter the menus to give more space for the DevOps area to expand

    • We would like the front page to be redesigned.

  • Automate a notification to site admins when the Drupal Apigee Edge module(s) have a new version released.

    • Look to see if there is something already created which would do this first. If there is no off-the-shelf service to do this, then build one.

    • Similarly automatic notification to be sent to site admins whenever any installed Drupal module update is released.

  • Navodit can create an account at, so we can set him up with permissions on the current Drupal site.

  • Our Drupal site(s) are all hosted within Pantheon, providing:

    • a Git based code version control system

    • 3 tiered (Dev, Test, Live) system

    • database migration between Dev, Test, Live

  • Project will include the migration of the from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.

  • The upstream within Pantheon will be the UCSB Public Affairs Distribution, which provides:

    • Drupal Core updates

    • Security Updates

    • Campus Theme Updates

  • The UCSB Campus API team will be available to assist, provide guidance, and testing for the migration.

  • Useful UCSB Pantheon Documentation:

Phase 2

  • Connect developer portal authentication to the campus SSO system to allow developers to login to Drupal based with their campus ID login credentials.

  • Implement Apigee Teams feature (Teams allow developers /portal users to share responsibility for an app with other developers.) See: Apigee Docs on Teams

  • In addition, we want to implement some site improvements, such as SSO integration, the Apigee teams feature, better integration with the campus identity system, and automation of the Apigee Drupal module updates.

  • The resources for some of these tasks will be different as they will require direct involvement from the Apigee team and other campus teams. 
